The Grace Filled Divorce

What do you do when it happens to you? As a Christian believer, how can you walk through the valley of divorce and emerge better and not bitter? Dr. Melody Bacon shows you how to open yourself up to God’s grace, to allow it flow into and through you so that the confusion and pain you are experiencing can be transformed it into a deeper relationship with God, yourself and others.


It’s time… Allow God to redeem your pain for the greater good.
It’s a new day… full of grace

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The Anxious Organization: Why Smart Companies Do Dumb Things

If you work in any organization, you work in an anxious organization. There is no other kind. In fact, if you ever find an anxiety-free workplace the author’s recommendation would be to start sending out resumes. But, there is good news. It takes only one person to break the cycle of excessive anxiety and turn a troubled organization completely around. The Anxious Organization empowers you to break the anxiety cycle in your workplace. – by Jeffrey Miller

Passionate Marriage

A great resource for those who want to learn how to be themselves and stay connected to someone they are in a relationship with – the book is good – the CD version is better!  Secrets of a Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch, Ph.D.

Scream Free Parenting

A book that will help you in all your relationships, but particularly with your children is ScreamFree Parenting by Hal Runkel.


Relationship University

  • Online courses designed to help you improve your relationships:
  • Assists you in learning to respond to relationship challenges successfully
  • YouTube channel to support you (below)
  • Online blog with information for handling relationship challenges


Relationship University YouTube Channel

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