by Melody Bacon, Ph.D | May 20, 2012 | Divorce, Newsletter, Slider
Depression is a disorder of mood, so mysteriously painful and elusive in the way it becomes known to the self – to the mediating intellect – as to verge close to being beyond description. — William Styron in Darkness Visible Depression is a word that...
by Melody Bacon, Ph.D | Mar 25, 2012 | Family, Newsletter, Slider
Train up [your spouse] in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 Over the past 10 years I have worked with countless individuals who are struggling with their marriages. Sometimes I see them together but most often I work...
by Melody Bacon, Ph.D | Feb 29, 2012 | Newsletter, Slider, Spirituality
My candle burns at both ends It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends – It gives a lovely light. — Edna St. Vincent Millay The news of Whitney Houston’s recent death struck a chord with millions of people, perhaps most particularly...
by Melody Bacon, Ph.D | Feb 20, 2012 | Newsletter, Slider
“I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness.” ― Mother Teresa, A Gift for God: Prayers and Meditations In my clinical practice, I work with people struggling with a wide variety of issues – depression,...
by Melody Bacon, Ph.D | Nov 9, 2011 | Divorce, Newsletter, Slider
Most of us were raised to think that relationships just happen and that somehow they just take care of themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth! Then again, some of us have heard that good relationships take work. This is a bit more accurate but that...
by Melody Bacon, Ph.D | Oct 30, 2011 | Family, Newsletter, Slider
fter reading a letter today in Dear Abby, it occurred to me how quickly we jump to cutting off from others as a way to “solve” relational issues. The letter was written by a woman who had a problem with her aunt and her knee-jerk reaction was to stop...